The rules of short-term rental in Paris
- Parisian specificities related to short-term rentals
- Our advice on seasonal rentals in Paris
- Documents required to put a property up for rent
The process regarding seasonal rentals is particularly regulated in cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants due to the rise of platforms like Airbnb. Paris is obviously no exception and a certain number of rules and procedures must be respected in order to rent out an apartment to tourists.
A page on the Paris City Hall website (in french) is specially dedicated to all questions related to this activity. We advise you to consult it, in addition to reading the section below.
The process regarding seasonal rentals is particularly regulated in Paris due to the rise of platforms like Airbnb. As a matter of fact, the Paris City Hall obliges owners to carry out a certain number of steps in order to rent out their properties.
First of all, regardless of the nature of your apartment (main residence or not), you will be asked to make a declaration on the Paris City Hall website to put your property up for rent.
At the end of this request, you will be given a registration number of your dwelling, confirming its nature of furnished tourist accommodation. All you have to do is send it to us to put your property up for rent!
The main residences represent the great majority of the apartments intended for seasonal rental. Most of the apartments managed by GLAMAPARIS are of this nature. However, it is important to know that an apartment in main residence can be rented only within a limit of 90 nights per year (3 months).
GLAMAPARIS supports you during the whole phase of renting and marketing of your property. In the same way, the management of your apartment is exclusively managed by our care: renting process, reception of the guests, cleaning…
Due to the rise of online booking platforms, the regulations regarding homes that are not the owner’s primary residence are very strict, especially in large cities.
The current legislation does not allow the rental of a second home in Paris, unless certain specific steps are taken. First of all, you have to obtain an authorization from the city hall to change the use of your apartment and pay a compensation.
The rule of compensation consists in transforming a commercial surface into housing in order to compensate for the loss of living space of the transformed premises. The purpose of this compensation is to preserve the balance between housing available for rent and housing for economic activity.
The apartment should no longer be considered as a secondary residence but as a commercial space. The following section explains the steps to follow.
You may also be in a case where you own an apartment that is not residential but you plan to transform it for this purpose. In this case, you will be required to make a change of destination as a hotel accommodation. In order to proceed with these steps, we invite you to consult the Paris City Hall website.
Finally, as in the case of a primary residence, you will have to request a prior authorization to rent out the property in order to obtain a registration number.
Once this is done, you will be able to rent your apartment without annual limit of nights, offering you a much higher profitability.
The GLAMAPARIS team is happy to help you at any time. Do not hesitate to contact us at +33 (0)1 49 26 90 50 or by mail by clicking on the button below.